Full gear for Sorceress: 12 items with 10 Ist sword/shield switch.
Armor: Tal Rasha's Guardianship - 940 Def - Tal Rasha armor
Weapon: The Oculus - Ist
Weapon 2: Spirit monarch 15 ed 35 fcr 100 mana+
Swap weapon: Crystal Sword 6 x Ist (180% MF)
Swap weapon 2: Monarch 4 x Ist (100% MF)
Amulet: Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Ring1: Nagelring - 30 MF
Ring2: Nagelring - 30 MF
Helm: Perfect Shako - 141 def - Ist
Gloves: Perfect Chance Guards +40 MF
Belt: Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - 15 MF
Boots: War Traveler - 50 MF - WT 50
Gear Bundle - Sorc Max MF - VIP
Ordering Information