Plex EVE Online

Price: $0.032
Price: $324.38
5000 Plex (Choose bonus in description)
Price: $162.23
2500 Plex (Choose bonus in description)
Price: $81.14
1500 Plex (Choose bonus in description)
Price: $48.7
1000 Plex (Choose bonus in description)
Price: $32.46
Price: $16.25
Price: $16.36

Looking for like-minded Eve in the conquest of space? Buy Plex and get on your way to conquer the galaxies!


PLEX in Eve


Eve online has one of the leading places in the MMORPG industry. It was able to achieve this result due to its uniqueness and innovation. A perfect example of this is the PLEX technology. The essence of this item is that it extends the player's playing time, that is performed as a monthly subscription.

At everyone can buy items at a good price. And when you buy a certain number of PLEX-  you get free bonuses in the form of lawsuits. Cooperating with us, the customer receives the desired goods without any difficulties and delays. We also have a large assortment of ships, implants, equipment.


What is Plex?


Pilot's License Extension Plex refers to items that, as stated earlier, fulfill the obligations of the subscription. Once activated, you are granted 30 game days. But, nevertheless, they can serve as ordinary goods and are sold on the market in the same way as ships, fit, implants and injectors. They can be bought for both real currency and за ISK. This fact makes it possible to pay for playing time with money earned in the game, without making unnecessary investments (such as mining or salvaging).

But, apart from that, they can also serve other purposes. For example, to transfer a character to another account, to change his appearance, to delete his portrait, and to pay for various services and events from the developers.

The item has no variation. For 500 units you will prolong the game time for 30 days. To get more you need to activate two or more of these sets.

Using 500 Plex, you gain Omega status. Its advantage is that it unlocks all unique ships, of which there are 342, doubles the speed of mastering skills and gives access to the full training plan. This status is valid as long as you use the items, otherwise the account is switched to Alpha status.


Plex for Eve online - is a special game item that will extend the game time for your account and give you the so-called Omega status. You can sell these on the Eve Online Market for a claim, as well as exchange them for an aurum or take advantage of transfers or other special features, such as the simultaneous training of pilots in the same account. To renew your account for 60 days, you must use 1,000 units.


плекс Eve Ева Ив


This is an alternative to a subscription, if you are fundamentally opposed to paying with real money your entertainment, you can always foraging or buy the missing ISK. Buy such an item can be in the marketplace is perfectly safe. That is, some players buy for rubles and sell for the claims, while others buy items for the claims - which they have forged their own labor on the market - in the end, all players are happy.


Not so long ago we introduced the option of delivery Activation - this is the use of one player, but to specify the recipient of another character. This method is one of the safest, if you need an extension of time is the best option.


Buying and selling Plex


To purchase, log in to your account, then click the "PLEX" tab. Choose the desired amount of product and follow all the instructions listed there. You can buy sets of 500, 1100, 2860, 7430, 15400. The price for 500 units is based around $20. An hour after your purchase, it will be delivered to you and you can pick up the item at the special item pickup service, on the character selection page. The item will be in your personal hangar bay at the station closest to your location. And the purchase can be made once a day. You can see the number of PLEXs you have in your account management.

You can also buy them on the market. The rules are just as easy there: go in and choose the right offer. One of the main advantages of buying on the market is that you can buy an item for claims. It can cost 1.4 - 1.5 billion, but here it all depends on the demand and the seller.

But another, more profitable option is to buy on Here you can not just buy the necessary unit cheaper, but also get it as a set with bonuses in the form of ISK. Kits are of four types - Start, Optima, Super, and VIP. Each differs in the number and value of the bonuses.

The sales are usually the same as the sales of other items. You just need to go in and configure the "Trade" window. In this case, there are two options: sell directly to the buyer or arrange a sell order using the "Expanded" button. Selling spits can be a good way to make money, as well as a great help for those who are going to start production.


Play sets for you and your loved ones! site offers you not just the purchase of these items, but also entire kits with additional bonuses in the form of free ships, which you can either use or sell to get game currency.


We present to your attention several Bundles of Plex  eve online.

How to buy on the game market Eve?

Go to the market and choose the most suitable for you offer - sorted by price.


How do I activate it?


Items are stored in a special asset compartment. To activate them, you have to go in there, click on the item you want and select the function "Apply 30 days pilot license extension". After this you will receive a notification about the 30 days prolongation and the item will be deleted from the hangar. It is also worth remembering that the activation will not work if the PLEX is located in a corporate hangar or in a container.


A few tips for buying/selling in the game


Beware of scammers! They do not sleep - Always, be sure to carefully check the deal, specifying the terms and price

When buying or selling, carefully study and check the terms of the deal to avoid becoming a victim of scammers.

Sell and buy goods in or near the largest trading hubs of the game citadels - Perimeter, Jita, Amarr, Dodix and Rens. The most adequate price is guaranteed for buying and selling. The best place to buy or sell plexes is in Jita, Dodixie, Rens and Amarr. These are the largest trading systems in the game; the price/demand ratio there is quite favorable.

If you're not confident in your abilities - forget about transporting PLEXs to the ship's cargo cargo in eve online! You will be suicided, or killed - do not forget that this is a normal game item and if you and your ship will be killed, the PLEX will disappear with the hull, OR remain in the wreckage of the ship.

Be careful when carrying items on your ship. Because the item is based as an in-game item, in any accident where the ship is wrecked, it will either be destroyed or be with the wreckage.


Buying and selling not from the official site is a violation of the game rules. Buy PLEX from unauthorized sites and sites can result in a fine on your game account for violating the game's EULA. Selling or buying them outside of trading system Eve's is prohibited by the rules of the game. There is a risk of incurring financial penalties or having your account blocked.


PLEX is a very well thought out and reliable system that provides convenience to the players. In addition, it is an unusual but valid way to pay for a subscription. This proves once again that the game is worth playing. Buy them, as well as many other things (claims, ships, fit, injectors, implants), you can on the site Affordable price of goods, fast delivery, additional bonuses can pleasantly surprise and interest you.


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